Is Whitestrain dead?

by Andreas T

Whitestrain is still as vibrant as nature intended and our quality control ensures it is so until it reaches our clients safely. has operated continuously for seven years and we hope that we will do so for another seven years.

The reason this page is not the most popular site on the net is that we never update the site. And the reason we never update our site is that we have been happy with the customer base we got years back who many of we still service. We are focusing on selling to distributors and resellers and they are the ones having the pages retailers want. We focus on quality control and making a successful guaranteed shipment to the door of our clients.

Our business is therefore based on pillars:

1. Quality control of our process and product from tree to the consumer.

2. Arranging to package the orders based on the regulatory situation in receiving state/country.

3. Arranging for smooth handling of orders, decide on price based on volume and geographic location of our clients.

You are free to contact us if you want a chat!